Published inMarkerHow to Prevent Layoffs From Traumatizing Your EmployeesHelping your remaining team heal is critical for your company’s futureApr 21, 2020483Apr 21, 2020483
Published inMarkerHow to Talk to Your Team During a PandemicIt’s time for steady decision-making and lots of repetitionMar 20, 20205121Mar 20, 20205121
Published inMarkerWhat Startups Can Learn From Facebook’s Reckless ‘Move Fast and Break Things’ MantraWhat even smart companies get wrong about core valuesMar 3, 20205472Mar 3, 20205472
Published inMarkerNetworking Sucks — So Do This InsteadThere’s no need to fake your way through awkward interactions if you focus on the opportunities you already haveFeb 10, 20205895Feb 10, 20205895
Published inMarkerThe Secret to Your Company’s Happiness is CommunicationWith workplace activism on the rise, a deliberate internal comms strategy can help create ownership and stave off worker alienationJan 27, 20204514Jan 27, 20204514
Published inART + marketingAnd now, for something differentAbout four and half years ago I came to work at Twitter. I already knew a few of the founding team, and had grown to love the service…Mar 4, 201638925Mar 4, 201638925
Published inTEDx ExperienceA bleeding heart responds to TEDxSanQuentinRecently I was lucky to be invited to TEDxSanQuentin, one of those “independently organized” gatherings done in the TED talks style, and…Feb 3, 20161472Feb 3, 20161472
My giving list this yearDecember invariably invites a look back over the closing year, and that can quickly lead to assessing one’s life to date. I’m as…Dec 26, 2015601Dec 26, 2015601