The Generative AI FlywheelViet Le’s post earlier this week on what it takes to build a defensible machine-learning based company is a great read. There’s a lot in…Jan 15, 2023101Jan 15, 2023101
ChatGPT: How would you replace Google Search?Could Google’s grip on search be under threat by an AI chat system such as ChatGPT (or even more immediately ChatGPT itself)? The idea…Jan 7, 202367Jan 7, 202367
AI and Creativity : Predictions for 2023The New Year is upon us, and so is the time to think about what’s coming next in the world. 2022 has been an incredible year for breakout…Jan 1, 202371Jan 1, 202371
The Art of Team CommunicationI first met Don Rossmoore whilst working together in 2016. It was clear right away that he had an uncanny knack of understanding what…Dec 17, 202239Dec 17, 202239
Bounded Rationality: What generative AI is really doing for youOne of the most important principles in AI and, arguably, in daily life is the principle of Bounded Rationality. The term was coined by…Dec 11, 202267Dec 11, 202267
The wrong question to ask about AIThe explosion of generative AI (this week’s ChatGPT was the latest phenomenon) is bringing an explosion of amused joy at what these tools…Dec 9, 202257Dec 9, 202257
Why are you Making Games? (With AI?)In the past few months we’ve been able to talk to more people about what we’re doing at Timewarp (Yay!). (Spoiler — we’re working on the…Oct 26, 202264Oct 26, 202264
Favorite Books of 2021The Pandemic has certainly helped on the reading front! In 2020 I felt like I read so much my brain could hardly hold an original thought…Jan 4, 202242Jan 4, 202242
For 2022: Reduce the Bad and Schedule the GoodWell hell… it’s been a long time since the last post here! Just one post in 2021 after a good stretch of regular posts before that. It’s…Jan 1, 202234Jan 1, 202234
The Fragility of InstitutionsThe last couple of weeks have been scary in the United States. Continued rejection of November’s election result, a high stakes election…Jan 18, 20214Jan 18, 20214
Bye Bye 2020 and Thanks for all the Lessons!What a completely crazy year 2020 has been. Not just crazy, but also deeply challenging and painful for many people.Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Why Black Lives Matter should matter to you (whoever you are)The last two weeks have been a roller coaster ride from the ongoing coronavirus crisis to the sickening death of George Floyd in…Jun 13, 20201Jun 13, 20201
Brainbugs: side projects that get out of control! (from silly idea to funded on Kickstarter)Sometime in late 2013, I had this weird idea that it would be fun to try to turn the game of Go (an ancient and amazing 2-player game)…May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
Steampunk AIIt’s been a while since I posted here because for a while now, I’ve funneled AI-related stories to a new blog over at Steampunk.AI. I’ll…Mar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
A Little Hope for Beyond the EpidemicAfter a week more of challenging Coronavirus news from the scary to continuing sad events to the downright ridiculous, I was reflecting on…Mar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
A Few Tips for Surviving Coronavirus Lockdown“Quarantine”, “Social Distancing”, “Sheltering in Place” and states of emergency are rapidly becoming part of daily experience. I’m…Mar 19, 2020Mar 19, 2020
Twitter Bluesky, Protocols versus Platforms and the FediverseIn December, Twitter announced (in a tweet of course) the seeding of a new team to create an open protocol for Microblogging.Jan 26, 2020Jan 26, 2020
The Clouds and the Dirt of Low/No-CodeI’ve long been a fan of low code platforms and services. Tools like this make it easier for non-engineers to create applications and…Jan 18, 2020Jan 18, 2020
From Inbox Zero to Task Box ZeroIf you’ve tried it, you probably know that Inbox Zero is a game-changer. Although it can be difficult to stick to and achieve regularly…Jan 11, 2020Jan 11, 2020
The Instant Gratification Monkey and Non-LinearityStarting the year off with fun topic… If you’ve never heard of the Instant Gratification Monkey and the other characters from Tim Urban’s…Jan 4, 2020Jan 4, 2020