Adam Grant Picks 15 New Leadership Books for a Summer in a Quarantine

There’s plenty of reading to keep you occupied during your socially distant vacation

Adam Grant


It’s often said that leaders shouldn’t let a crisis go to waste. If your idea of using isolation time well is learning about leadership, here are the new and upcoming releases I’ve been reading over the past few months.

They’re not exactly beach books, but you might not be going to the beach anyway. With topics that range from negotiation tactics to decision-making, these new titles will help you expand your thinking and improve yourself as a leader. Some are familiar names; others are first-timer authors.

1. Manifesto for a Moral Revolution by Jacqueline Novogratz (May 5)

Novogratz is one of the most inspiring leaders on the planet. As the founder and CEO of Acumen, she’s spent the past two decades waging a global war on poverty and putting impact investing on the map. Now she’s poured her heart into a moving book on how we can do more to make a difference. I can’t think of a better time than right…



Adam Grant
Writer for

Wharton professor. Author: ORIGINALS & GIVE AND TAKE. NYT writer: work & psychology. Ex-diver. Arguing like I'm right, listening like I'm wrong