All the Questions to Ask Your General Counsel Right Now

Decisions made during a crisis can have legal consequences down the road

Sam Hodges


Image: the_burtons / Getty Images

Leaders are often faced with in-the-moment decisions armed only with imperfect information and limited experience to predict the consequences of their decisions. These decisions are difficult during good times, and feel near impossible during uncertain times. We are all eager to make the decisions necessary to return to some sense of normalcy. However, the consequences of the decisions we make as we seek out this new normal will reveal legal liabilities for companies of all sizes.

As cities lift their shelter-in-place policies and businesses strategize how to reopen, now is a prudent time for leaders to create a proactive game plan with their lawyer or general counsel to avoid legal mishaps in the future. While there isn’t a roadmap or proven plan for a Covid-19 business world, there are some basic principles you can adopt while navigating an uncharted path. These are the same principles we turned to when launching our company last year and will continue to turn to during uncertain times: focus on the fundamentals, avoid easy-to-miss foot faults, and always understand your fiduciary responsibilities.

Focus on the fundamentals



Sam Hodges
Writer for

Co-founder and CEO of Vouch — better business insurance for start-ups. Previously Funding Circle US, SecondMarket and others. All views here are my own.