Burger King Serves Up a Poop-Emoji Ice Cream

A campaign to promote ‘healthier’ food that’s not full of crap

Stephen Moore


Photo: Burger King

Ever wondered what it would be like to eat the poop emoji?

Wonder no more.

In a contender for the best marketing campaign of 2022 (so far), Burger King dropped a new flavor of ice cream — poop emoji, complete with cute little eyes and a smile.

The tongue-in-cheek advert shows what one can only hope isn’t poop-flavored ice cream (we’ll assume it’s chocolate) being served in the typical swirling motion before the emoji eyes and mouth appear, and the pun becomes clear.

But ‘Poop Emoji Ice Cream’ is more than just a joke: it’s all in service of marketing the ‘clean’ ingredients that are now used in the product. It may also inadvertently be telling customers the ice cream they previously enjoyed was full of shit. As the advert notes, “an ice cream that looks like shit, to remind people that it’s free from artificial shit.” The ice cream is only available this season via a special ice cream truck, with the company still deciding whether to make it a permanent menu item.

The launch comes after the company announced back in September 2021 that it was banning over 120 artificial ingredients from its food menus, as it continued to push its…



Stephen Moore
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