Bobbie Gossage
Published in
Nov 16, 2020


Can Airbnb put the Long-Term Stock Exchange on the map? After a lackluster debut in September amid a frothy IPO market, the LTSE — Eric Ries’ new stock exchange that aims to untether companies from the stock market’s fixation on short-term results and focus on long-term value creation — might finally be landing its first big unicorn IPO. (Well, sort of.) Airbnb, which is preparing to raise $3 billion on the Nasdaq in the coming weeks, is reportedly considering being listed on Silicon Valley’s alternative trading exchange in early 2021. According to Bloomberg, the move would be largely symbolic: “By listing on the new exchange, Airbnb would be pledging to operate its business in a manner that complies with the exchange’s ESG standards. Airbnb wouldn’t raise extra capital through this listing.”



Bobbie Gossage
Writer for

Contributing editor at Fast Company Formerly: Dep editor of Marker at Medium, Exec Editor of Inc. Magazine, Director of Editorial Content at LearnVest and Etsy.