Don’t Start a Job Search Without Answering This One Question

If you can’t decide which direction to take your career, start by narrowing down what it is you really want

Hunter Walk


Photo: Martin Barraud/Getty Images

I love when people quit their jobs.

Okay, that’s probably a bit strong. Let me clarify: I love when people leave a job because they’ve made an impact and want new challenges, or feel they could be accomplishing a greater number of their goals elsewhere. But when these folks approach me for advice as to what to do next, there’s one question most haven’t asked themselves. And it’s a critical question. I don’t know how you decide without answering it first.

The question is: What are you optimizing for?

Now, let me add a caveat, which is that this question is most important when you’re deciding between several good opportunities. In a tough economy there are many who feel lucky to hold on to the job they have, and those making a transition might not have the luxury to hold out for the “perfect gig” — or even be able to find a new one easily.

Learning to optimize for your career

The most successful folks are rarely trying to decide between a good option and a bad option when it comes to employment. This is especially…



Hunter Walk

You’ll find me @homebrew , Seed Stage Venture Fund w @satyap . Previously made products at YouTube, Google & SecondLife. Married to @cbarlerin .