No Mercy / No Malice

Every 36 Years

A lesson in recognition, imposter syndrome, and navigating the anxiety that arises whenever success comes your way

Scott Galloway
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2018


Editor’s Note: No Mercy/No Malice is a column from Professor Scott Galloway, where he shares various reflections on business, tech, and life on his mind each week.

InIn 1982, Emerson Junior High School, in its ninth-grade poll, awarded me “Most Comical” and “Steve Martin.” Since then I’ve successfully navigated all awards and recognition. A month ago a friend, Anne Maffei, texted me: “Please respond to my brother, he wants to give you an award that recognizes your work.”


Anne’s brother is Greg Maffei, CEO of Liberty Media, a mass media firm founded by the original gangster of cable, John Malone (#badass). Before that, Greg was CFO of Microsoft … which feels even more gangster/uber-cool to me. I think being CFO of the evil empire of the nineties is as close to Darth Vader of the corporate world as one can get. But Greg is too likable to be the Dark Lord, so I envision him as Darth Vader after he defeats the Emperor, removes his mask, and returns from the dark side.

So, a quick search of my inbox and there they are, emails from Greg and his colleagues congratulating me…



Scott Galloway

Prof Marketing, NYU Stern • Host, CNN+ • Pivot, Prof G Podcasts • Bestselling author, The Four, The Algebra of Happiness, Post Corona •