The Marker Guide to Hiring for Your Startup

A startup can never have too many makers

Joe Procopio


Credit: ferrantraite/Getty

One of the most common questions I get from company leaders is about who to hire and when.

It doesn’t matter if your company is two people or 20 or 200 — your next hire is always the most important hire. Filling the wrong role at the wrong time is a waste of money and potentially even a waste of talent.

But how do you know when the time is right and which skills are most critical for your success? Here’s a guide I put together, based on building dozens of companies, for all stages of a company’s growth cycle, from the first hire to the 500th.

First: Should you hire at all?

When I get asked for help on a hiring decision, nine times out of 10 it comes to me as “What role should we hire for next?” And nine times out of nine I try to gut-check whether a hire needs to be made at all.

Here’s the rule: Good hires are like bullets. You don’t want to use them until you’ve locked in on a target and you’re 100% sure you want to pull the trigger.

During the early days, a hire shouldn’t be made until the pain of missing that additional resource is twice the value of the total hire package. In other words, if it’s going to cost $100K all-in to…



Joe Procopio
Writer for

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. NLG pioneer. Building & GROWERS. Write at and More at