What Most Businesses Get Wrong About Gamification

Far from a passing fad, gamified marketing is an increasingly effective tool for business of all kinds

Albert van der Meer
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2020


Photo: SOPA Images/Getty Images

Co-authored with Daniel Griffin, head of marketing for Support Revolution (an Oracle/SAP support company).

IfIf you’re a business owner or marketer, this cycle will probably sound familiar: a new marketing idea enters the conversation. Everyone talks excitedly about it. Early adopters get some success. The idea quickly reaches the saturation point as many later adopters give it a try and are disappointed with the results. Finally, the idea is dismissed as a fad, and everyone moves on to the next big idea.

This cycle repeats constantly, as new trends in marketing rise and fall, with some of them becoming part of the standard marketing playbook, and others disappearing as the hype dies down.

Gamification is one such trend that many marketers and business owners might have dismissed as hype from a few years ago. But the reality is that for those who understand how to deploy it well, gamification has very much become an effective part of the marketing playbook.

The global gamification market was worth $960.5 million in 2014, and is expected to grow…



Albert van der Meer
Writer for

Audience Engagement & Behavioural Design Consultant, Writer & Author of Press Start // more info & services @ aestranger.com